Car Colour Code Location
We mix paint base on the car colour code only, you must know the colour code of your car. The colour code can be seen in several places of your car – depending on the manufacture.
Usually you can find the colour code in front the car bonnet or on the both frame doors (left and right) or inside the boot. Otherwise ask your local main dealer for more advice on the colour code/colour name.
Alfa Romeo 5-7-8-18-19
Aro/Dacia 7-10-19
Aston Martin 7-12
BLMC Espana 10
BMW 3-4-8
Chrysler 4-7
Citrooen 3-4-7-8-10
Daewoo 2
Daf 7-10-12
Daihatsu 1-2-7-10
DKW – Mercedes Espana 10
Ferrari 2-5-8-14-18-19
Fiat 2-3-4-5-10-18-19
Autobianchi 3-8-18
Lancia 2-4-5-7-10-12-18
Fiat Polski 7-10
Ford 2-3-4-7-8-10-15-22
Ford US 15
FSO 4-7-10
General Motor US 19
Honda 3-10-15-18
Aro/Dacia 7-10-19
Aston Martin 7-12
BLMC Espana 10
BMW 3-4-8
Chrysler 4-7
Citrooen 3-4-7-8-10
Daewoo 2
Daf 7-10-12
Daihatsu 1-2-7-10
DKW – Mercedes Espana 10
Ferrari 2-5-8-14-18-19
Fiat 2-3-4-5-10-18-19
Autobianchi 3-8-18
Lancia 2-4-5-7-10-12-18
Fiat Polski 7-10
Ford 2-3-4-7-8-10-15-22
Ford US 15
FSO 4-7-10
General Motor US 19
Honda 3-10-15-18
Hyundai 7Innocenti 8-10-13-18-19
Isuzu 2-7-10-13-15
Jaguar 2-4-5-12-13-15-22
Kewet 7
Lada 4-5-17-18
Land Rover 2
Lexus 7
Lotus 3-9-10
Maserati 2-5-18
Mazda 2-3-4-5-7-10-15-21
Mercedes 2-3-8-10-12
Mitsubishi 2-3-7-8
Nissan 2-4-5-7-8-10-15
Opel 2-3-4-7-8-10-19
Peugeot 2-3-4-7-8-9
Porsche 5-7-10-12-14-15
Proton 6-7
Reliant 3-4-9
Renault 3-4-5-7-8-10-19
Rolls Royce 8
Isuzu 2-7-10-13-15
Jaguar 2-4-5-12-13-15-22
Kewet 7
Lada 4-5-17-18
Land Rover 2
Lexus 7
Lotus 3-9-10
Maserati 2-5-18
Mazda 2-3-4-5-7-10-15-21
Mercedes 2-3-8-10-12
Mitsubishi 2-3-7-8
Nissan 2-4-5-7-8-10-15
Opel 2-3-4-7-8-10-19
Peugeot 2-3-4-7-8-9
Porsche 5-7-10-12-14-15
Proton 6-7
Reliant 3-4-9
Renault 3-4-5-7-8-10-19
Rolls Royce 8
Saab 4-8-10-16-17-20
Scaldia/Moskvitch 14-18
Seat 8-10-17-18
Skoda 8-10-17
Ssangyong 6
Subaru 1-2-3-8-10
Suzuki 3-4-7-8-10-21
Talbot Matra 3-4-10
Simca 3-4-8-10
UK 3-10
Toyota 3-4-7-10-19
Vauxhall 1-2-4-5-8-10-19
Volkswagen 1-2-11
Audi 14-17-18-19
NSU 1-7-18
Volvo 2-3-4-6-7-10
Wartburg 7
Yugo/Zatsava 4-14-18
Saab 4-8-10-16-17-20
Scaldia/Moskvitch 14-18
Seat 8-10-17-18
Skoda 8-10-17
Ssangyong 6
Subaru 1-2-3-8-10
Suzuki 3-4-7-8-10-21
Talbot Matra 3-4-10
Simca 3-4-8-10
UK 3-10
Toyota 3-4-7-10-19
Vauxhall 1-2-4-5-8-10-19
Volkswagen 1-2-11
Audi 14-17-18-19
NSU 1-7-18
Volvo 2-3-4-6-7-10
Wartburg 7
Yugo/Zatsava 4-14-18